Missione Francescana a Maraş

Missione Francescana a Maraş, inizio '900

Panorama of Marash. To the right, on a hill, is the Franciscan St. Anthony of Padua Church (Source: Michel Paboudjian collection).
 Marash – St. Anthony of Padua Church of the Franciscan Friars (Source: Krikor Kalusdian, Marash or Kermanig and Heroic Zeytun, New York, 1934).
Members of the Franciscan Mission – 1914. (Seated, from left): Rezkallah Sakkal (teacher), Father Francis de Vi Horis, Habib Edde (French Consul General in Marash), Father Patrice Verkli, Father Materno Muré, Brother Olivier, Nazaret Danayan (teacher). (Standing, 2nd from left): Vartan Matosian (teacher) (Source: Krikor Kalusdian, Marash or Kermanig and Heroic Zeytun, New York, 1934).

Houshamadyan e. V. (non-profit Organisation)

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